Preparing Your Child for the Back-to-School Season

The back-to-school season is quickly approaching. This brings with it seemingly endless shopping lists filled with required school supplies, lunch boxes, backpacks, new shoes, and clothes for your continually growing children.  In your busyness to purchase all these items and check them off your list one by one, there’s something else you need to do […]

6 Ways for Men to Boost Their Health

June is Men’s Health Month, so what better way to start off the month than discussing ways that men can boost their health—physically and mentally. So, here are some tips to keep in mind as we begin this month focused on men’s health.  Maintain a Healthy Waistline An unhealthy waistline raises your risk of heart […]

Are you ready for Pollen Season?

Just the mere mention of pollen season or seasonal allergies is enough to make many of us moan and groan. While the plants are beautiful that are flowering and growing ever greener, their lasting effects on people with seasonal allergies are not quite so pleasant.  Dealing with a constant sniffly nose, watery eyes, or a […]

Heart Health – Don’t Be A Statistic

As February is American Heart Month, we at AllCare Medical Centers thought it would be a great time to talk about the importance of heart health. Unfortunately, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide with 85% of those deaths attributed to heart attacks or strokes.  The importance of this topic cannot be understated. […]

10 Tips to Stay Healthy during the Holiday Season

Staying healthy this holiday season doesn’t have to be a big burden, added to your long list of tasks or scheduled events. In fact, it is easier than you might think to make healthy choices. Busy schedules, holiday parties, looming work deadlines before the end of the year, and family gatherings do not have to […]

Where Did the Flu Go?

Typically fall marks the beginning of flu season and, thus, is the most common time of the year to receive the flu vaccine. However, this year you might be wondering if you even need to get a flu vaccine. It might seem as if all you hear about in the news anymore is COVID-19, and […]

7 Reasons Why You Need a Family Doctor

Seeing a family doctor has many benefits for your overall health and the health of your family. In fact, studies show that having a doctor who oversees all areas of one’s health leads to lower death rates, improved patient trust with their provider, higher patient satisfaction, and overall better health for the individual.

While there might be many reasons why this is true, here are our top seven reasons why you need a family doctor:

Wellness Visits vs Problem Visits

In this article we hope to explain the difference between an annual exam, also known as a wellness exam, and a visit. What Is a Wellness Exam? An annual exam is a comprehensive preventative exam with your primary care provider for the sole purpose of preventative care. An annual exam does not include discussion of […]